Thursday, May 2, 2013

Tomb visit hardens defiant Kim

NORTH Korea ignored fresh offers of dialogue from the US and Japan as it marked 
the birth date of Kim Il-sung with an official visit by dictator Kim Jong-un to 
his grandfather's tomb.
   Predictions the young leader would mark the 101st anniversary of Kim 
Il-sung's birth -- known as the Day of the Sun in the family-run dictatorship -- 
with a missile launch proved incorrect.
    The North has a habit of linking high-profile military tests with key 
dates, and expectations were high of a medium-range missile test to coincide 
with the birthday celebrations for its late founder. Unlike last year, there was 
no giant military parade in central Pyongyang, and no speech by the young 
    Rather, tour group leaders and correspondents in Pyongyang described a 
festive atmosphere as the residents of the city -- largely privileged elites -- 
enjoyed a national holiday.
    As US Secretary of State John Kerry made another offer of dialogue to 
Pyongyang, North Korea's state-run media -- which had carried reports describing 
South Korea's earlier offer of talks as a "cunning ploy" -- stayed silent on the 

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