Monday, May 6, 2013

North Korea says it won't warn South Korea before an attack

(CNN) --     North Korea has upped the temperature on its neighbors, warning in a 
new threat that it would not give any advance notice before attacking South 
Korea.  "Our retaliatory action will start without any notice from now," Pyongyang 
said in a statement published Tuesday by its official news agency, KCNA.  North Korea said it was responding to what it called insults from the "puppet authorities" in the South, claiming that there had been a rally against North Korea in Seoul.  It called the rally a "monstrous criminal act.  "The renewed threats came a day after North Koreans celebrated the birthday of their country's founder, Kim Il Sung, who launched the Korean War.  On Monday, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry urged the regime in Pyongyang 
to ditch its nuclear program and put a lid on its fiery rhetoric if it wants to 
hold talks.  "The United States has made clear many times what the conditions are for 
our entering talks and they haven't changed," Kerry said during an interview 
with CNN's Jill Dougherty in Tokyo.  "The conditions have to be met where the North has to move towards 
denuclearization, indicate a seriousness in doing so by reducing these threats, 
stop the testing, and indicate it's actually prepared to negotiate," he said


  1. NK should just chill out. No one is scared of them becuase they always lie. Honestly. America could detroy them within an hour.

    1. I totally agreee with you what do you think would happen to North Korea if they attacked the United States today? North Korea doesn't stand a chance!

  2. ha. ha ha. ha. like they clearly have the power to attack anybody. Even if the comics in the paper are lame, stories of north korea will always make you laugh.

    1. I agree! North Korea is so corrupt and out of line when it comes to running their communist country is is almost comical!

  3. Vikrant Singh
    North Korea shouldn't be making threats that they can't back up. They know very well that if they were to attack, there would be a swift and powerful retalliation. If North Korea put it's nuclear weapons in motion, it would only lead to it's demise.

  4. Why is the U.S. offering to be in talks with North Korea? What does America have to offer to the North Korean government in talks? After years of failed diplomacy the U.S. should stop attempting to talk with them, dealing with the United States should only anger the North Koreans. The U.S. needs to only get involved if they actually attack. For how many years have politicians "predicted" for them to attack South Korea? All it has been is empty threats, and I agree it is foolish for such a weak country to be aggressors.

  5. Lauren Paik

    Alright, it's no surprise North Korea is threatening South Korea and America as usual. In my opinion, I think they're just trying to scare South Korea since they've elected their first woman president and they want to "set/prove" their superiority. Even if they did try to start a war, it would be settled easily.

    1. I agree with Lauren. North Korea knows that if they start something everyone around the world will help South Korea except for maybe some Communist countries.

  6. north korea is completely on its own in this issue because even china doesn't like what they are doing, even though china is communist to some degree. i tink what we should do is ignore the bs rhetoric spewing forth from pyongyang and respond only if nk does actually attack sk.

    and how is nk supposed to invade sk when the dmz is the most densely mined area in the world?
