Monday, May 20, 2013

North Korean take on "American Lifestyle"

An alleged North Korean propaganda video has emerged online that claims Americans drink 'hot snow' as coffee, live in tents and eat wild birds on Tuesdays

The four-minute film portrays people in the U.S. as living in extreme poverty, who are lucky to have a floor to sleep on and live on a diet of 'local snow'. 

The supposedly North Korean narrator - 'translated' on the film by a British man - tells viewers: 'This is how Americans live today.'

The 'propaganda' film has already been viewed thousands of times in the three days since it was uploaded. 

It features clips of poverty, cold and hardship. The narrator tells viewers: 'This is how they live in modern day. Huddled together - the poor, the cold, the lonely and the homosexuals.'

The bizarre video appears to use footage from the aftermath of natural disasters filmed around the world. 
Many of the clips seem to have been shot in Europe, and Paris' famous Gard de Nord station is seen in one image.

But the narrator explains this as other parts of America that 'disguise' themselves as foreign cities. 

Either way she says they live a 'terrible life'.

It is said that Americans have to live in tents donated by North Korea and take handouts of snow coffee because their houses 'blow down easily.'

Among the fantastical claims made in the video are that Americans have eaten the bird population almost to extinction. 
The 'yummy birds' that remain in the trees will be eaten on Tuesday, according to the narrator. 

When the film shows a man walking through the snow in what appears to be Paris, the narrator says: 'This man is a former Republican candidate for Oregon who is now having to get coffee made of snow.'

The video also features two elderly men sitting on a bench surrounded by plastic bags.

The narrator tells viewers: 'These people lie huddled together with their dead friends in blue body bags with their coffee cups full of local snow. 

'They are very good friends that are together in adversity.'

The video also accuses Americans of being obsessed with weaponry and buy 'guns to kill each other especially children.'

Last month, Pyongyang released a clip on Uriminzokkiri - Korean for 'Our Nation' - which shows Barack Obama and American troops in flames.

If genuine, the latest video of American poverty could be an attempt to divert domestic attention away from the plight of residents, thousands of whom are believed to be starving after failed harvests. 

It comes as Pyongyang released a photograph of leader Kim Jung Un, that has been compared to a Bond villain. 

He was seen inspecting sturgeon in a pond at the Ryongjong Fish Farm in South Hwanghae, southwestern North Korea in the picture released by the Korean Central News Agency.


  1. This is hilarious but at the same time ridiculously stupid. I don't know how people can believe this.

  2. I think we should make a plan to show the North Koreans what it's really like in the U.S. so they can realize the truth and maybe rebel against their government.

  3. ^It might be borderline impossible if you consider that the majority of North Koreans have been brainwashed @ birth to believe they are the greatest society in the world.
