Monday, May 20, 2013

North Korean Political Cartoons (IV)

"The World's BIGGEST Baby..."


  1. I would pay to see Kim Jong Un's reaction to this...

  2. Kim Jung Un is essentially a whining baby, but like every rare case of a whining baby, there can actually be a problem. So, although this is probably not a serious threat, we must also consider if it is one or not.

  3. -Lawrence
    This is a great depiction of how Kim Jong Un has reacted latley. Being that he is one of the youngest heirs to this North Korean government, he wants to let the world know that age isn't matter. But in doing so, he has obviously stepped out of place and is being depicted as a baby, just like in this cartoon.

  4. I agree with Sulaiman's comment saying that the baby is a symobl of Kim Jung Un and how he is creating problems for no reason and essentially just wants attention.

  5. After his father's leadership, Kim Jung Un is simply trying to prove to everyone that he can be just as powerful as his father.

  6. first of all this is hilarious
    second i think whinning babies are annoying and should be ingnored like kim jong un
